It's been an utter dream this past semester. Incredible. Certainly beginning to digest the events, the people, the experience as a whole. It's a wonderful contradicition that I feel at present.
My friend and I had a farewell party yesterday evening. Quite lovely, heaps of laughter, photography fun, and swapping stories and memories! What a beautiful thing, this life. :-)
Have also been travelling excessively the past three weeks!! HEAPS of flights, hostels, and bizzare encounters!! Oh, Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Sydney, and Tasmania. :-) Such randomosity and adventure.

Just at Bondi Beach with a fellow Mizzou friend! Aliens are coming, apparently...
Oh, Tasmania... :-D

Oh, Sydney...

Welcome to Melbourne.
So... for now... a few closing thoughts.
The NZ = amazing experiences and growth, a second home, OCF, and sweet accents. And so much more!
Home = family, friends, dogs, The Rock, and comfort. <3
See you state-side, dear friends. <3
YAY! I can't wait for you to come home, Little One!!